Monday, June 23, 2008

Trip to the Beach - Again

Hi there again, we had a lovely day out yesterday. Went to a beach about 2 hours from here, but very little traffic on the road getting there - it is mid winter now! We found a lovely cove which was deserted - not even a dog walker in sight. However, just as we jumped out picnic in hand, it started to rain- nothing new there - it was just like home! It didn't stop the Dorsetts though and we still had our picnic outside and the girls played in the sand - Holly digging for home and Immi dancing as usual with Katie. As we walked along the bay later in the day, we were confronted by some Kangaroos coming out to catch the evening sun - then we realised we were not in New Quay or Conwy - we were in AUSTRALIA! Hope you are all fine and keep in touch. Much love S,P, K, H &I XXXX

Monday, June 16, 2008

All Immi

Double click on image for full impact of the Immi Belly!

Immi is growing up so quickly so we thought you would appreciate seeing some recent photos of our smallest doing what she does best! Cake Baking, having a Tea Party with her friends, off to Nursery and a Self Portrait which now hangs in her room!! Lots of hugs from Immixxxxx

Monday, June 2, 2008

Trip to the Blue Mountains

Hi there, we have all just returned from a wonderful weekend in the Blue Mountains(about an hour West of Sydney). The views were amazing and the walking unbelievable with all girls managing some 'meaty' climbs and descents! We were even congratulated by two Aussie walkers for bringing the girls along.... did we push too hard?? Anyway, the girls loved it especially the Sky Walk (see-through bottom cable car) and the railway descent. The 3 Sisters was magnificant and everything we found seemed to be on a similar huge scale compared to anything we have ever seen before. Blue skies on Sat and then, before you get fed up with our weather reports, we woke to drizzle and low cloud and later rain on Sunday.. hurrah, at last. It was quite comforting really and had a real Lake District feel. We walked (in the rain) to Wentworth Falls via a 2 hour Charles Darwin Walk which was well worth it. All fine here and back home to Canberra today. Hope you are all well and having a lovely Summer. xx