Saturday, August 9, 2008

Life in Jerra August 2008

Hi there, Just thought we would post some photos of our local area. Since we have had Chester to stay, we have discovered some fantastic walks from the house. Went out this afternoon and took the camera - I am turning into a true bush walker! However, I appear to be the only one out there - I am missing something?? Maybe the snakes in summer will put me off, but for now I am enjoying listening to a bit of Ronan and pretending to be David Bailey/Barbara Woodhouse!

Katie had her 12th Birthday last month - thanks for all the cards and presents. Just a few photos of our little party.

1 comment:

The Fishers said...

Hi Katie Hope you had a wonderful birthday wish I was there with you. Still missing you loads love looking at your photos. miss you loads love from Ellie Fish xxxxxx