Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another Weekend Away

Spring is definitely here, although it feels more like a hot hot summer to us. We were off camping again this weekend just to the coast to a place called Broulee which is just over 2 hours away. So straight from Friday school we jumped in the car and we were off for 2 nights. (I make it sound so easy, Paul would beg to differ! I think the loggie spent 2 days planning and 3 days packing the kit!). Anyway we had a lovely time with temps of up to 30 degrees. Katie windsurfed for the first time on the sea and only fell in on the last go - a record I think for a learner. I think the years of ballet have paid off and Paul is a very happy chap! I even got back on the water and after a rusty run, it felt like riding a bike (well, almost!). Yes we spotted another shark, which strangely enough, made us concentrate on our balance! A lovely weekend and both tents remained standing - can't be bad.... S, P, K, H & I. X


Marshies said...

Wow Sal the photos look amazing.How did Holly get so tall? Love from The Marshies

Nicola said...

What a wonderful lifestyle you have! I am sooooo envious. Nicola x