Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Holiday at Gerroa

Combining Christmas with Summer Holidays isn’t the best idea that Aus have ever had, it means that the entire Country goes on leave at the same time and typically 90% of the population head to the Coast. Accommodation is inevitably at a premium so we starting looking for a pitch in a campsite in July. I recall phoning 15 sites (all full) before finally getting the last available slot at Gerroa Camp site on the NSW Coast.......how lucky am I, I thought and sat back thinking of those that hadn’t been as proactive as me. However, here I am sat in “the spectacular discovery campsite” which is 90% permanent vans that date back to the 1960s and packs of filthy kids running around.....picture a scene from Slum Dog Millionaire!....and to cap it all off the blinking neon sign at the gate says Vacancies....I now know why.

I have heard that the closer to Sydney that you stay the more likely you will be camping with the VB (Victoria Bitter) Crew......we are close enough, and this isn’t the crew it’s the Coach, Manager and Board Members.

Despite the interesting site and company, we have decided to press on and make the best of our week at the coast (there is literally nowhere else to stay)...so, to the beach it is..

Christmas Cake on the beach...how traditional is that?!

Quick Story - As we walked down the boardwalk with all of our beach gear a couple of little lads ran past us asking if there were any strong swimmer around. On arriving on the sand one of the local veterans approach me and asked to loan my surfboard as there were 2 guys trapped in a rip...I naturally said no, get lost its mine yes and he ran off in his budgie smugglers to perform a rescue. (2 inexperienced older gents exhausted from swimming against a rip. What an exciting start to the day.

The Dorsett camp - all watersports catered for and it only takes 40 minutes to drag everything from the car to our chosen spot.

1 comment:

Team Robb said...

Hey, looks like fun. We warned you about having a caravan!!