Friday, April 2, 2010

Sorry to talk work........I’ll try not to bore you.

Last week was a very important week for myself and my work mates and I thought I’d share a few pictures.

I’m a part of the Australian Super Hornet Project and our first 5 aircraft arrived from the US, following about 30 months of work on both sides of the pond.

It was a huge event for the project and a pretty big event for Australia are these F/A-18Fs will replace our ageing fleet of F111s (affectionately known as Pigs). They are the first fighter aircraft that we have purchase in 25 years and by the end of 2012, we will have all 24 in country.

The "Pigs" met the Super Hornets off the coast and escorted them home.

First sight of our new delivery

It was great to be a part of the pomp and ceremony and lovely to see guys that had been working in or office until late last year, actually fly the jets home to Brisbane.

Australia's ultimate "boys toy".

OK, enough, I can see you yawning.

Click Here to see the related news article.


JulesLibbySebUK said...

Wow Paul, how lovely to be a big part of such an historic occasion! Brilliant photos x

Marshies said...

Loving the photos Paul. When can Joe come over for work experience?

Glenn said...

Nice One Buddy... not bad for a 'Stacker' from Conwy.
Still find it odd to see you dressed in another country's uniform. We continue to enjoy the photos and captions, love as always to all. G & J xxxxx