Monday, June 20, 2011

Dance Competition

Katie and Holly enter their solo dances in a local competition. Both did very well.

Lots of emotion from Holly as the little match god, she can act – Jackie the dance teacher had tears in her eyes at the end of the dance!

Katie was one of the youngest in her 13yrs and over contemporary category,
but got 3rd out of 17 dancers. Well done No 1.   


Bryan said...

Lovely photographs of the dancing Sal.


Dorsetts Senior said...

Thanks for the fantastic photos Sal.. both girls look absolutely stunning.
J&K xxx

Sian said...

Wow!!! Amazing photos :)
Sian x

Glenn said...

Fantastic Photos... well done girls. Jackie and Glenn

Marshies said...

What beautiful photos. I still vividly remember Katie dancing in my hallway whilst waiting for Joe and Fraser to get ready for school. Very proud of you both. Well done. XX