Thursday, May 3, 2012

Immi makes the Netball Team!

Ok, so they all made the Team, but that’s not the point.

After a few practice sessions last year (ball skills, basic netball rules etc) Immi’s is now playing for Team Sunrise 8Yr unders every Sat morning.  Last weekend was her first match – four full 15min quarters.

First quarter was entertaining as they had only ever done ball skills before, which were only done standing still – The whistle went and both teams were completely static. It was like a game of subbuteo, but with less movement! By half time things were moving a bit better, with only the occasional reminder needed to stop both teams playing in the same direction. 

Immi loved it and will be back out on the court again every saturday morning throughout the winter......personally, I’ll be staying in, and watching from, a nice warm car. ;-)


Glenn said...

Well I'm not entirely sure I agree with the comments regarding Immie's first game of netball - as an ex Somerset County player myself I must say that I am impressed with Immie's efforts.....she is only 1 of 2 girls on the court that I can see defending her space with her arms in the air ready to make that interception.....ok it looks like the whistle has stopped play temporarily however she obviously ahead of the other girls and ready to go again as soon as the whistle goes. Well done Immie - an international player in the making if ever I saw one!! LOL Jackie. xx

Glenn said...

Foot Note... Jack's meant Lots Of Love - not Laugh Out Loud... GJ x

Dorsetts in Oz said...

Love you Jack .... Watch this space, I'm desperate for a sportswoman in the house as opposed to a dancer. She is playing under 8s as a 6 year old and certainly holding her own, love her. Hope she'll do you proud one day ;) LOL Sal x