Monday, May 12, 2008

Blog us in OZ

Hi Everyone,

Just thought we would start a BLOG for you all to keep up to date with our progress and having seen one that our friends did after recently emigrating to NZ we thought it was a fantastic way for you to keep in touch. Save it to your desktop if you can. We are all settled now and in our new house which is very Australian and modern! All of our things are now here which is lovely but a constant reminder of what we have done... the pictures are lovely and mean so much now that we have been here 3 MONTHS! Can you believe it? Girls have settled really well, Katie gets on with and is as accepting as ever (not yet a teenager thankfully), Holly is dramatic but always looks forward and Immi is as challenging as ever - terrible 2s!! Paul is happy at work and I am a domestic goddess (in my head!). Roll on more coffee mornings, baking and sticking and painting... not much different to my old job really! Hope you like the BLOG - Send us a message and keep in touch - we will update regularly. Much love to you all P,S,K,H&IXXXXXXXX


Nicola said...

Hi Paul, Sal, Katie, Holly and Immi

Great idea setting up a blog - what a fab new home! Looking forward to coming and seeing it for ourselves!!

With much love,
Nicola, Andrew, Natz and Ellie

M&M said...

Hi All

What an excellant idea! Will keep checking now I've worked out how to save it to my desktop!

Much Love

Mandy and Megan xx