Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hi there,
It was Australia Day yesterday so a weekend of celebrations. The Aussies are very patriotic and therefore it is party party party here! We went to 'Australia Live' - Party in the Park on Sunday night which was a live concert in front of Parliament House. It was good, but even though they had all the latest pop divas, we didn't recognise any!!!! It may be that we are just not Aussie enough yet, or perhaps we have just become too old for pop! Anyway, the girls had fun dancing and we had fun drinking.... Yesterday we had a lovely day windsurfing on Lake Burley Griffin and Hols went out for her first time and, like Kate, didn't fall in! Must be in the teaching!! Last night was spent watching some fantastic fireworks over the Lake to music - they do it well here!


Marshies said...

What beautiful girls. Paul you are going to be very tired in a few years time chasing all the boys away. Don't forget I need to vet all prospective partners too!

Ellie.F :] said...

Hi katie,
Hope you are all ok, thankyou for the lovely letter the spiders look really scary, please may i have your address so i can write back.
Its snowing here and its freezing bet its not freezing were you are lol
Love from

Nicola said...

urchanononancKeith and Jean won't be needing those shorts when they get back here! Burrrrr.

Emma Stormont said...

Hi Holly, Happy Valentines Day. I miss you very much and really like your new hair. When i have enough money my dad says i can come and see you. lots of love Harrison xx