Sunday, February 15, 2009

Holly's 8th Birthday - 9 Feb 2009

It was Holly's 8th Birthday on Monday and, although she had to go to school, she had a lovely time. She had some wonderful presents from home - thanks Grandma, Tadcu, Sian and Nan! As you can see, we now have our first Aussie Surf Board - and it's pink too!! Later in the week we had a small 'traditional' Birthday Party with games and balloons which Hols and her friends loved. MESSAGE FOR HARRISON- THANKS FOR WRITING HARRISON. I MISS YOU TOO AND CAN'T WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE ENOUGH MONEY SAVED TO COME AND SEE ME. I STILL HAVE HARRISON KOALA YOU GAVE ME WHEN I LEFT LAST YEAR. LOTS OF LOVE HOLLYXXXXX


Emma Stormont said...

Hi Holly it's Harrison. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! It looks like you had a really nice day do you have lots of new friends? I miss you lots and lots. i am sending you a present. love from Harrison xxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hey Trolly... How grown up do you look in these photographs??? It will be no time at all before your showing Daddy how to surf with that amaizing pink board. Lots of Love, Jackie and Glenn xx

Unknown said...

Oh !!!
Happy Birthday too.

Dorsetts in Oz said...

Hi Harrison, I miss you too and can't wait until you save enough money to come and see me here. I have nice friends here, but not as nice as you and Megan and Lucie. I cuddle my 'Harrison Koala' every night and can't wait until we come home to see you next year. Lots of Love Holly. xxxxx

Ellie.F :] said...

Hi Holly,
Happy 8th birthday hope you had a fab day!!! I love the pink surfboard hope everyone is okay see you all soon
Love from Ellie