Monday, February 16, 2009

A Wet Weekend In Broulee

This weekend we went to the coast with Mum and Dad Dorsett for their last weekend before their trip back to UK after a 6 week stay. Unfortunately the weather was not kind - very British and almost comforting! To be honest the rain and cold air has come as a relief from the 40 degree temperatures we have been experiencing earlier in the week. We camped in our tent as normal whilst the older generation slept soundly in a nearby cabin. We braved the rain and a very cold swimming pool and had a few lovely walks on the beach. The trees are changing colour as Autumn is nearly here, but what a summer we have had so no complaints. I think you are all clear from snow now and probably looking forward to the Spring, we miss that! xxx


Ellie.F :] said...

Hi katie,
missing you so much and hope to see you soon please could i have your address so i can write back to you. really missing you and hope you had a great summer we had a day of sunshine today and we played outside bet thats normall for you hope the winter is nice for you bet its about the same tempreter as summer here lol
missing you loads hope everyone is okay love from ellie :):):):)

Ellie.F :] said...

soz again just wondered if you have msn if you do have it please can i have your address so i can add you as a friend also wondering if you have bebo? hope you do have them both so we can keep in touch luv ellie :)X:)