Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Holly's 9th Birthday

Holly’s 9th Birthday. Thanks to all for the lovely presents and cards, Holly had a great day.
Another wining cake done in a panic the night before.....not a single E number in sight!

Holly’s main present was a private guided tour behind the scenes at Canberra Zoo

Ok, now count your fingers.
Top Tip from “Croc Dundee” Dad: When handling man eating lions always wear sturdy safety boots...such as flip flops! :-/
30minues gone and I still can't write a comment that can be used on this family show.
A fun afternoon for Holly, Mum and Dad......Happy Birthday Hols.  


Sian said...

What a wonderful present!!!

Marshies said...

What a great birthday for you Hols. Looked to be a great zoo. Love the comments Paul. I can think of a few for Sal in that photo too...lol!

Team Robb said...

Happy Birthday Holly - looking just gorgeous!

JulesLibbySebUK said...

What a lovely Birthday Hols must have had, Fab cake!! No comment regarding the Giraffe!!Fantastic xxxx