Monday, August 30, 2010

Immi's 5th Birthday Ski Weekend

Immi’s 5th Birthday and we took a trip to the snow for a couple of days.

Thanks to all that sent messages, cards and presents. She had a lovely day, even if we did wake her at 6AM to open them...........can’t be late for the first ski lifts.

We were incredibly lucky with the weather and conditions -no wind, little or no cloud and the best snow for several years – just fantastic.

All of the girls skiing improved so much, but Immi made the leap from “magic carpet” status to open slopes and skiing with her sisters. She was a little rocket, who after explaining how she planned to follow us safely down the mountain, quickly took the lead and had the big girls chasing with Sal and I shouting “TURN!”.....I think self preservation comes with age.



Mount Kosciusko (end of Katie's finger) – the largest hill mountain in Australia (2,228meter)...about double Snowdon....still looks like a hill though.

Dam these boots!


Marshies said...

Loving the beautiful photos guys. I hope my beautiful goddaughter had a great 5th birthday. School now then?

Broggy said...

Snow looks great - no bumps. Love the new house, dog and seaweed dance.
Chris, Jane, Holly, Jamie and Molly now signed back in. CU