Sunday, August 22, 2010

We have been meaning to Blog but....

The silence is over – sorry for our complete lack of blog updates since May. The problem all started with a casual drive in the local countryside on the Saturday after the week in which we had finally finished the landscaping around the pool. Our trip out just happened to coincide with an open house on a nice looking property some 20minutes from Canberra city centre. We decided to take a look and it all went downhill from there.....we purchased the house with a long (90day) settlement and then set about selling ours.....there is nothing better than the threat of owning 2 houses to concentrate the mind...... all is good now, our property is “under offer” and we should exchange this coming week, with completion about 4 days before we would have owned 2 house and had the fun of a bridging loan.......should also be enough time for my grey hairs to turn brown again.....or is this a one way thing?

Here are a few pictures from the web, please note the camera does lie especially when fitted with wide angle lenses.

Despite being only 4 years only, the place is a bit of a renovation project and with a large garden I can already hear Sal’s words ....”oh, he’d only complain if he wasn’t busy”and before you ask, very near to the top of my list is paint over the Winnie the Poo yellow exterior.

We hope to be in by the end of September by our count, thats house number 16 since we got married, but by far the most challenging sale, so we won't be rushing into this again for a long may even wish to consider using pen in your address books for the first time!  


JulesLibbySebUK said...

Oh, guys it does look great!! I really really want to be one of your first guests...especially as i could get my own wing!! Good luck with it all, big kiss x

Team Robb said...

Will we hear the pitter patter of little horse hooves now you have SO MUCH space! Congratulations it is absolutely beautiful.