Sunday, November 21, 2010

It’s Dance Season

Just 2 weeks until the Jays Dance group Christmas show and its full costume rehearsal time. All 3 girls are in the show and doing a total of 19 dances between them! Gone are the days when we waited for 2 hours to see Katie do her 3 minute dance........but with 19 dances, we have more outfits than Les Miserables.

 Immi Sat with her friends......maybe not.

 Only 5 nights of sequin sewing - well done Sal

 Another very worrying photo for Dad 

 Its not Cling Film - its the Avatar costume

Nope, couldn't do any of those positions without pre-booking A&E.



Team Robb said...

Wow - I am taking Abbey out of Ballet now before I have to do this much sewing. All your girls are just beautiful - better lock them up now!

Marshies said...

Fantastic photos Sal. Gorgeous girls as usual, all 4 of you and Paul you don't look a day older.