Hello All, thought we’d put up a few photos of a recent weekend away to Eden with friends. It was also a chance to try fishing for the first time in Aus, although my previous experience (Crabbing in Conwy Harbour) didn’t help much.
Our friends used their camper trailer – all terrain, canvas “tardis”, with fold out BBQ, kitchen sink, annex and a dingy, boat trailer and outboard!.......the entire thing is water tight and can be submerged and the tow hitch even has a joint that allows the trailer to roll over completely without effecting the car......although, I think you are meant to stop if that happens.
Sat AM – Andrew and I swing into the local fishing tackle shop for a few tips on lauching, fishing license, bait (I’d done this before with Dad – “Le petit poison, en trape le grand poison”) to use etc etc.......now this is new world to me and these shops have absolutely everything under the sun, for catching fish or is it just stuff that makes you think that you will catch fish – does a flash reel costing $$$$$ and matching jacket / hat honestly make the fish take your hook more often?
Holly, Jack, Immi and Lilian
Off we trundle in the boat to an area about 200m off shore. Andrew shows me how to attach the weight thingy and hook / bait (my only knot – rabbit up through the hole & around the tree...wasn’t ideal) . Then we are fishing......hmm, 8 minutes gone and nothing.....not exactly dynamic is it. Andrew is casting into the distance but I have no idea how the reel works so I just opt for dropping the line over the side and “bumping” the weight on the bottom to stir up so interest........10 minutes gone and I thought I'd reel the bait in to see if it’s still on the hook........Oh my, it is on the hook but it not alone – 0.5m “flatty / shark ” (UK Dog Fish) on the line! Bit of a fuss in the boat and it’s into the cool box. I drop the line back in and do the same again twice over....forget your flash reel, matching hat and underwear, the only difference between this and the fish mongers is that I don’t get to choose dinner. Andrew is having no luck casting so we move the boat.....we settle in and I snag on a rock, no worries – pull until the line snaps and then do the “special” knots again......line drops in again, quick drink of the cold-one (beer) and bugger, I’ve snagged another rock....OK, usual drills, pull, pull.....deep breath, pull....wow, the rock has moved....oh hang on, this is no rock.....its a stingray.....on seeing the stingray my first thought was that one of these things killed Steve Irwin so I handed the rod to Andrew and grabbed the net. Picture below – we put this beauty back. Still not sure what all the fuss is about.
Holly gives it a go..
The race lasted about an hour until they were all exhausted
Cooked the Flatties on the BBQ, I don't really like fish but they were fantastic.
Paul...Frankly I feel that much of the credit for your success whilst fishing belongs to me. The angling info passed on to you during that holiday in France obviously made an indelible impression upon you and you're still au fait with the terminology (weight thingy!)and have retained much, if not all, of the french that I used in 2 the weeks we were there!!!
Sorry Guy's me again.... forget the fishing. Do you really have your beer cooling in a neoprene jacket that says 'for all your plumbing needs' ? `you Ausies crack me up. x
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