Monday, December 19, 2011

The last dance shots for 2011

Holly, age 22!......the worry of 'war paint'.  

Is it me, or isn't there much height difference between them??  
Yeah right, Katie we can all see that you are cheating - no tippy toes!

Great shot, if it wasn't for the kids getting infront of that fantastic tower!;-)

Immi in her Grease outfit.


Glenn said...

Great Photos as usual girls...Happy Christmas to all love from Jackie and Glenn. xxxxx Have you been building Stage Sets Paul? Who did you get to help with the high bits? ;-)

Dorsetts in Oz said...

It's ok Glenn, he can reach with his pointe shoes on!!! Have a great Christmas, girls LOVED the Santa message, not sure if Paul replied! Thanks so so muchMiss you both xxxxxx