Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our New Arrival......yeh, it's another boy!

The newest member of the family - 'Snoopy'.................Hey, what a great name for a Dog.  

 Clever bit of kit this - you feed the money in to the opening on the right
and consistently get something very different out of the other end. ;-)

Don't get any ideas Holly - stick to sensible sports like windsurfing, surfing and base jumping.  

We can't keep him on our block, but we are very lucky to have
rights over about 400 acres of community land,
so he is 'squashed' into one of the 5 acre paddocks!   

1 comment:

Dorsetts Senior said...

Paul, I think you should know that 'the something very different that comes out of the other end' of Snoopy is excellent on roses which you have in abundance.
Alternatively a £5 pack of Miracle Gro will do the job just as well, smells altogether sweeter and doesn't stick to the fingers!